url shortener is best

Which url shortener is best? What is the best link shortener website? Which link shortening website is liked by most of the users? Which url shortener is best?

Which URL Shortener is Best?

Our list of best url shortener websites include the following link shortening tools.


Bitly held first position in our list of best link shortening websites. It is one of the most powerful, popular and reliable url shorteners. It offers both free and premium services.

Unlike free version the premium service of Bitly lets you use your own custom domain instead of Bitly domain name.


The two distinctive services of TinyURL that makes it different from all url shorteners are;

  • It lets you shorten a long url anonymously. It means you are not required to create an account.
  • Unlike Bitly, TinyURL also lets you customize the extension or string of shortened URL. For example you can create tinyurl.com/yourname instead of tinyurl.com/XyhZq

TinyURL is totally free.


The third best link shortener website on our list is Adfly. The most distinctive feature of Adfly is unlike Bitly and TinyURL it pays for using its short linking service. According to its February 4, 2021 payout rates it pay as high as $ 189.4 to users for 1000 views from USA.

It pays through Paypal and Payoneer. To create an account click here.

URL Shorteny (Pakistani Users Only)

Almost all link shortening websites pay low CPM rate on views from Pakistan. They hardly pay $ 2 per 1000 views. Another challenge for users from Pakistan is withdrawal of their earned money because PayPal is not working in the country. For them the most reliable and high paying link Shortening website is URL Shorteny. It pays $ 6 on 1000 views.

Payment options include Easypaisa and Jazzcash. Both options are easily accessible for users in Pakistan. The website has 10% referral commission earning system as well. To join the website click here.

There are hundreds of other url shortener websites but the above mentioned three are best among them.

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Tags: Which URL Shortener is Best? Which is The Best URL Shortener? Which URL Shortener is Best? Which is The Best URL Shortener? Which URL Shortener is Best? Which is The Best URL Shortener?


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