total area of Pakistan

The post contains answer to questions “What is the total area of Pakistan of world’s total area? What is the total land area of Pakistan? Pakistan’s total land area equals to which two European states?”

What is the total area of Pakistan of world’s total area?

The total land area of Pakistan is about 881,913 Kilo Meter Square (km²).

Pakistan is located in South East Asia region of the world. It is comprised of four provinces and the region of Azad Kashmir. The total land area of Pakistan is 881,913 Kilo Meters Square (km²) which is approximately equal to the combined land areas of France and the United Kingdom. Whereas the total land area of earth is 148.9 million km². To find Pakistan’s area percentage in world’s total land area we have to convert 148.9 million km² into numbers which becomes 148900000 Kilometers Square (km²). Based on this data, Pakistan covers approximately 0.59 per cent of world’s total area.

It is also important to note that Pakistan is the Thirty Third largest nation based on its total land area. It is however important to remember that this ranking may vary depending on how the disputed territory of Kashmir is counted.

Source: Above answer is based on the data given by Wikipedia and Google Earth.

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