The post contains answer to question “Which mountain range is located in Sindh province? What is the name of mountain range located in Sind province?”

The post contains answer to question “Which mountain range is located in Sindh province? What is the name of mountain range located in Sind province?”
The post contains answer to questions such as “Which mountain range separates Pakistan and Afghanistan? Name the range which separates Pakistan from Afghanistan. Which mountain range is located between Pakistan and Afghanistan?”
The post contain answer to questions such as “Which mountain range is located between China and Pakistan? Which mountain range lies between China and Pakistan? Which mountain range separate China and Pakistan?”
Which city is called gateway of India? Which city of India is called the gateway of India? Which city is known as ….
Which mughal emperor is buried in Pakistan? Where is the mausoleum of mughal emperor in Pakistan? Where is the tomb of….
In which country pakistan flag was hoisted first time? Name the country where Pakistan flag was raised first of all?
Which radio station existed at the time of creation of Pakista? What is the name of Pakistan’s oldest radio station that existed today?
Which city of Pakistan is called the city of gardens? Which city of Pakistan is known as the city of gardens? What is the name of…
Which city of Pakistan is known as the city of saints? What is the name of Pakistan city of saints? Name pakistan city that is known as…
The post contains answer to questions “Which Valley is known as the Switzerland of Pakistan? Which valley in Pakistan is known as the Switzerland of Pakistan? What is the name of valley that is known as the Switzerland of Pakistan?” Which Valley is known as the Switzerland of Pakistan? Valley that is known as the […]