how to check cnic details with picture

The post contains answer to questions “How to check CNIC details with picture? How to check CNIC details online with picture? ID card number information online. How to check CNIC details with picture?

How to check CNIC details with picture?

There are two methods to check the details of your Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC). Both methods are very simple and straight forward. With these methods even a layman can check his record. Here is how it is done?

ID card number information online

how to check cnic details with picture
image source: Vector Stock

Checking address and polling station details by CNIC

To check the address and zonal information of a CNIC follow these steps.

Go to your mobile messaging app and click on type new message.

In receivers’ mobile number box type 8300.

In message type your computerized national identity card number either with dashes or without dashes.

Send the message.

You will instantly receive a message containing details such as your family number, polling station details etc.

Checking name and father name by CNIC

To check the name and father name of a CNIC holder, please follow these steps.

Go to your mobile messaging app and click on type new message.

In receivers’ mobile number box type 7000.

In message type your computerized national identity card number either with dashes or without dashes.

Send the message.

You will instantly receive a message containing name along with father name of CNIC holder. 

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