How Pakistan will benefit from CPEC?

The post contains answer to questions “How Pakistan will benefit from CPEC? How will CPEC benefit Pakistan? How Pakistan will benefit from CPEC? How will CPEC boost Pakistan economy? Is CPEC really a game changer?”

How Pakistan will benefit from CPEC?

CPEC will benefit Pakistan in many ways. It will rapidly modernize Pakistan’s infrastructure strengthen its economy by building modern transportation system, various energy projects and special economic zones in the country.

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How Pakistan will benefit from CPEC?
Image Source: Courtesy to Pakistan Economic Times

How will CPEC boost Pakistan economy?

CPEC will boost Pakistan economy in many ways. The benefits of China Pakistan Economic Corridor project for Pakistan have been highlighted by The Telegraph in one of its posts on CPEC project. According to Telegraph report, CPEC is not ‘debt trap’ for Pakistan. The project has already helped Pakistan to overcome its shortfall and by 2021, the state will no longer be an energy deficient country. This will help Pakistani entrepreneurs to produce more goods thus increasing economic activity and export earnings of the country.   

Such benefits have also been highlighted by an international rating agency, Moody in one of its reports on the corridor. According to Moody’s report the corridor will help in building roads, power projects and railway tracks. It will also help in promoting economic activities in the country and will provide jobs to locals.

Source: Above answer is based on the information given by CPEC website and The Telegraph.

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