The post contains answer to questions “How many mountain ranges are in Pakistan? What are the names of mountain ranges that passes through Pakistan? How many mountain ranges are in Pakistan? How many mountain ranges are in Pakistan?”
How many mountain ranges are in Pakistan?
Total number of mountain ranges that are located in Pakistan is fifteen (15)
The topography of Pakistan is complex. The land area of Pakistan, which is 881,913 Kilo Meter Square (km²) is composed of plains, plateaus and mountains. The country is host to about fifteen mountain ranges. Name of these mountain ranges are given below.

- Hindu Kush
- Karakoram
- Himalayas
- Hindu Raj
- Passu Cones
- Koh e Sufaid
- Sulaiman Mountains
- Spin Ghar Mountains
- Toba Kakar Range
- Salt Range
- Margalla Hills
- Makran Range
- Chagai Range
- Ras Koh Range
- Kirthar Range
To know which is the largest mountain range of Pakistan among these please visit here.
Source: Source of above answer is Wikipedia