The post contains answer to questions “How many dams are in Pakistan? What is the total number of dams in Pakistan? How many dams are in Pakistan? List of all dams of Pakistan.”
How many dams are in Pakistan?
There are about 150 dams in Pakistan

A dam is a barrier or barricade that stops the flow of water and stores it. Water store by dam is used for many purposes such as drinking, irrigation and most importantly for power generation. One of the most common and widely used methods of power generation is hydro-electric power plants.
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Despite the steep topography, Pakistan has less number of dams relatively to other countries with such availability of water and topography. At present the country has only One Hundred and Fifty small and big dams which are not adequate both for water storage and power generation. One of the major reasons for the construction of inadequate dams is the unwillingness of political leaders.
Source: Above answer is based on the data given by Wikipedia and SeePakistanTours Blog